About the Journal

IAS Journal of Localities is an international journal published by the Yayasan Irwan Abdullah Cendekia. The journal dedicates a perfect-bound issue of localities to a contemporary problem or theme and includes descriptive, analytical, and critical writing on topics such as trans-locality, multiculturalism, hybridity, and in-betweenness, as well as theoretical papers on fundamental theories and methodologies of locality or trans-locality. The journal also accepts papers from interdisciplinary studies, with a focus on the variety of local responses to transnational and trans-local movements, as well as their potential to generate locality not only as a site of resistance against globalization, but also as a site of alternatives, such as alternative theories, alternative communities, and alternative spaces. IAS Journal of Localities has frequently incorporated design elements and conceptual details that are specific to the nature of the current theme (such as global trends and local concerns), resulting in distinct issues that contribute to a collective vision and exploration of a theme and make each issue a self-contained and enduring reference.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

We are gladly announcing that IAS Journal of Localities Volume 2 Issue 2 of 2024 has been published online. This issue has been available online since August, 28 2024. All articles in this issue consist of 6 original research articles that were authored/co-authored by 22 authors from 8 countries (Swedia, Bulgaria, Australia, China, Iran, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia).

It's a free and open access journal, serving you selected credible research articles on interdisciplinary field, particularly related to Locality in National and Global Perspective. Enjoy reading!

Published: 2024-08-28


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About the Journal
IAS Journal of Localities is an international journal published by the Yayasan Irwan Abdullah Cendekia. The journal dedicates a perfect-bound issue of localities to a contemporary problem or theme and includes descriptive, analytical, and critical writing on topics such as trans-locality, multiculturalism, hybridity, and in-betweenness, as well as theoretical papers on fundamental theories and methodologies of locality or trans-locality. The journal also accepts papers from interdisciplinary studies, with a focus on the variety of local responses to transnational and trans-local movements, as well as their potential to generate locality not only as a site of resistance against globalization, but also as a site of alternatives, such as alternative theories, alternative communities, and alternative spaces. IAS Journal of Localities has frequently incorporated design elements and conceptual details that are specific to the nature of the current theme (such as global trends and local concerns), resulting in distinct issues that contribute to a collective vision and exploration of a theme and make each issue a self-contained and enduring reference.

Journal Title

: IAS Journal of Localities


: Dr. Hasse Jubba., MA 


: 3026-2879


: Prefix 10.62033 by


: Yayasan Irwan Abdullah Cendekia


: 2 Issues per year

Citation Analysis

: Scopus and Google Scholar